MariaDB / MySQL Administration

When using MariaDB, one can use the mariadb command interchangably with the mysql command. The latter is used to better fit into existing scripts and infrastructure.

Installing MariaDB


sudo apt install mariadb-server


On Windows, you can either download and use a standalone server or use the XAMPP package.


Depending on the version and installation settings, logging in to the freshly installed database server can be done with either of the following

mysql [-h hostname] -u root -p
sudo mysql  # if the above does not work



Database Administration

create database $DB_NAME;
show databases;
use $DB_NAME;  -- start working with this database
drop database $DB_NAME;

User Administration

create user '$USER'@'localhost' identified by '$PASSWORD';
grant all privileges on $DB_NAME.* to '$USER'@'localhost';

Table Administration

After logging in and selecting a database, one can create, change and remove database relations (tables).

create table $TABLE_NAME (
  -- column definitions
show tables;
describe table $TABLE_NAME;
show create table $TABLE_NAME;
alter table $TABLE_NAME ...;
drop table $TABLE_NAME;

More information on

A comprehensive example can be found on Wikiversity.